Hearing aid know written by a hearing aid user.
Unbiased hearing aids and hearing loss information.
Medical Health Tests
Medical Health Tests - Types, Procedures and Importance of Medical Tests
An Esophagram test is an inspection of the esophagus. This test is performed using fluoroscopy, barium, and x-rays.
Health and Fitness articles
Beyond Hearing Aids
Beyond Hearing Aids is the leader in technical training and services to professionals working with people with hearing loss.
Becky Morris, The ALD Authority, and her team are highly skilled and committed to helping consumers and professionals choose and use ALDs.
Learn more
Hearing Impaired Products

Our unique mission
Wayne and Anne Wicklund have found an area of service to the hearing impaired that has been long neglected. In 2001 we noticed that Wayne began to lose his hearing - it didn't take long to realize that this invisible handicap was made more difficult by people not realizing he could not hear - even his friends would say "He looks like he can hear!"
Hearing Impaired Products
Hearing Aids Wizard
Hearing aids world is moving fast. New technologies are introduced to the market every few months. The different companies wave their new thechnologies, trying to convince us that their technology will get you closer to natural hearing. You find yourself confused, struggling with the professional terminology, trying to figure out the difference between "feedback canceling mechanism" to feedback suppressing mechanism", not mentioning "feedback breaking mechanism". And I haven't mentioned the price…
Find out more about hearing aids.
Hearing Aids Wizard
Medical News Today brings you hourly health news from well-regarded sources such as JAMA, BMJ, Lancet, BMA, plus articles written by our own team. Our archive contains over 180,000 news articles.
Medical News Today
Cochlear implants have advanced from a device that could barely assist lip-reading to devices that can allow even some of the congenitally deaf to interpret speech. Despite improving by leaps and bounds in the last three decades, cochlear implants require much more refinement in order to allow wearers to hear the violins in a symphony or differentiate one voice from many in a crowded room.
Understanding The Cochlear Implant
Measurements where speech signal and masking noise come from different directions mimic a wider range of everyday situations than measurements with signals coming from the same direction. The matrix sentence test or the everyday sentences test can also be used for measuring intelligibility level-differences (ILD) and binaural intelligibility level-differences (BILD)
Testing binaural integration (ILD/BILD) using sentence tests
“The BCIG believes that if a patient meets the criteria for a cochlear implant as specified in the NICE Guidance, funding for that treatment must be provided by the appropriate healthcare commissioning body following a positive assessment by the specialist cochlear implant centre.”
British Cochlear Implant Group
Industrial Paramedical Services has been providing complete Multi-Phasic Mobile health testing services to over 800 Midwestern facilities since 1975. We specialize in providing on-site hearing tests for your employees using our copyright protected audiogram test records. Our clients include major manufacturers in the automotive, utilities, food and beverage, construction, petroleum, aero-space, airport and metal fabricating fields.
Industrial Paramedical Services
Healthdirect Australia is the collective trading name for the National Health Call Centre Network Limited (NHCCN Ltd) and those of its contractors who provide nationwide access 24 hours a day, seven days a week to healthcare triage, health advice and health information.
Health Direct Australia
Over 50 Years of Excellence
The International Hearing Society (IHS) is a membership association that represents hearing healthcare professionals worldwide. IHS members are engaged in the practice of testing human hearing and selecting, fitting and dispensing hearing instruments and counseling patients. Founded in 1951, the Society continues to recognize the need for promoting and maintaining the highest possible standards for its members in the best interests of the hearing impaired it serves.
As the membership organization for thousands of independent specialists, IHS conducts programs in competency accreditation, education and training and encourages specialty-level certification for its members.
International Hearing Society
About www.hear-it.org
This non-commercial web site has been established to increase public awareness of hearing impairment.
Sixteen percent of adult Europeans suffer from hearing loss great enough to adversely affect their daily life, yet only one out of five who would benefit from hearing aids actually use them.
The web site has been established and is run by the organisation, 'Hear-it AISBL'
Hear-it AISBL is an international non-profit and non-commercial organisation.
Hear It.Org
The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that supports brain research through grants and educates the public about the successes and potential of brain research. Dana produces free publications; coordinates the International Brain Awareness Week campaign; supports the Dana Alliances, a network of neuroscientists; and maintains a Web site,
The Dana Foundation
As a research institute, it is not appropriate for IHR to provide detailed clinical advice on individual cases. If you think you or your child has a hearing problem, you should see your family doctor. The following questions, answers and links have been prepared by scientists at IHR, in consultation with clinical colleagues, as a service to the community
AdviceOnHearingAids.com will help you find the information you need in order to make an informed hearing aid purchase. As you go through this process keep in mind that everyone is unique and hears sound differently. What works well for one person, may not work well for another.
Advice in hearing aids
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the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
3,656,512 articles in English
Hearing Aid Manufacturers Links
GN Resound
Sonic Innovations
Ear Infections
Ear infections occur when a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear. Mostly affecting children, symptoms include earaches and thick, yellow fluid coming from the ears
Web MD